This event brings you a webinar 'double bill' - join us for one or both
In the first, "Cop26 - the noise and the reality", hosted by UK Business Council for Sustainable Development, we invite Richard Threlfall, Global Head of KPMG IMPACT and Global Head of Infrastructure, KPMG International to cut through the noise, giving us an overview of key decisions and debates coming out of COP26. He will spell out the reality of the situation - a focus on what Business absolutely has to do if it is to ensure it is sustainable, futureproofing itself and going beyond net zero, while remaining commercially viable.
He will then be joined for a discussion with Jason Longhurst, Chair of UKBCSD, with an opportunity for Q&A with the audience.
The second, "What is Clean Growth? The Bradford effect”, hosted by City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council will present a plan in action. Kersten England, Chief Exec, will give a short overview of the Bradford area, specifically its aspirations to be a Clean Growth City District. Ashley Dunseath, Director, Head of Masterplanning, Advisory & Economics at WSP and a board director of UKBCSD, will introduce the critical concept of ‘Clean Growth’ and explain how his team at WSP is working alongside Bradford colleagues in this process. Ashley will be joined by others involved on the project, to give their take on how it is evolving.
There will be an opportunity for Q&A after the presentation.