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UKREIIF 2024: A Sustainable Future with UKBCSD

1 July 2024
Reading Time: 4 mins

The UK Real Estate Investment & Infrastructure Forum (UKREIIF) 2024 was a landmark event for industry professionals, investors, and policymakers. This year, the UK Business Council for Sustainable Development (UKBCSD) took a central role in driving the conversation on sustainability, showcasing innovative solutions and fostering collaboration towards a greener future in the Sustainable Growth Pavilion.

Here’s is a run-down of the packed programme in the Sustainable Growth Pavilion over the three days in Leeds. Get in touch if you want to be part of 2025.

Each morning, we kicked off with our UKBCSD Breakfast Launch, "Rise and Shine with Sustainability," bringing together people interested in sustainable development.

Tuesday’ theme: Unlocking Sustainable Finance and Logistics Innovation

UKBCSD Breakfast Launch: The day began with a lively breakfast session where attendees networked and discussed the latest in sustainable development.

Followed swiftly by;

How Can We Unlock Sustainable Finance to Support SME Developers? brought to you by Puma Property Finance We delved into strategies to mobilise sustainable finance, focusing on the critical role of SMEs in driving innovation and sustainability in the real estate sector.

Meet Sustainability Leaders: Attendees had the opportunity to meet and learn from leading figures in sustainability, gaining insights into best practices and emerging trends.

This was followed by a mini-series by UKBCSD members, Prologis UK

The Evolution of Logistics: Prologis UK presented on the evolving logistics landscape and its crucial role in achieving net zero. Discussions highlighted how logistics infrastructure can support business, community, and nature.

Our Pathway to Net Zero: A session dedicated to outlining practical steps and strategies for businesses to achieve net zero emissions, emphasising the importance of logistics in this journey.

And, making great places for communities and nature

The focus then switched to housing and we heard from a panel of experts looking at what’s currently working on the ground and discussing the role of retrofit.

Housing Revolution - Unplugged, brought to you by UKBCSD members, Equans: This interactive session explored groundbreaking approaches to sustainable housing, addressing challenges and showcasing innovative solutions.

British Property Federation Logistics Manifesto Launch: An exclusive, invite-only event where the British Property Federation launched its Logistics Manifesto, providing a comprehensive strategy for sustainable logistics.

Wednesday's theme: Energy, Construction, and Housing for a Sustainable Future

UKBCSD Breakfast Launch: The day began with another inspiring breakfast session, setting the tone for a day focused on energy and sustainable construction.

The Energy Revolution - Unlocking The Grid: Experts discussed the future of energy, focusing on unlocking the grid to support renewable energy sources and sustainable development.

Meet Sustainability Leaders: A continuation of our series, this session provided further opportunities to engage with key sustainability leaders.

This was followed by a mini-series of talks and events by members Sir Robert McAlpine and Sir Robert McAlpine Capital Ventures.

Retention and Re-use: An Inevitable Future for UK Construction? This session explored the growing trend of retention and re-use in construction, highlighting its benefits for sustainability and efficiency.

Build to Rent – Delivering a Sustainable New Generation of Homes: We examined the Build to Rent model, emphasising its potential to deliver sustainable, high-quality homes for the future.

And the infrastructure theme continued into a panel of experts discussing;

Sustainable Infrastructure – Raising the Bar: Discussions centred on innovative approaches to infrastructure development that prioritise sustainability and resilience.

Thursday's theme: Overcoming Barriers and Building Skills for Clean Growth

UKBCSD Breakfast Launch: The final breakfast session brought together attendees for one last morning of networking and sustainability discussions.

Followed by a Keynote address including reflections from Lord Stewart Wood on the Labour party Manifesto.

Then onto clean growth and skills to round off the packed three-day programme;

Show Stoppers – Unplugged – What is Really Holding Back Clean Growth? An honest and open discussion on the barriers to clean growth, featuring insights from industry leaders and experts.

The Green Skills Gap: Addressing the Biggest Issues: We addressed the critical need for green skills in the workforce, discussing strategies to bridge the gap and support sustainable development.

A final political keynote from Alex Sobel MP: Alex Sobel MP delivered a compelling keynote on the future of sustainability in the UK, emphasising the role of policy and innovation.

The Future of Our Planet: Combining Digital Twins, Connected Data, and Green Policy, brought to you by ELIXR: A forward-looking session exploring how digital technologies, data connectivity, and progressive policies can combine to create a sustainable future.

In summary

UKREIIF 2024 was a resounding success, with UKBCSD members yet again playing a pivotal role in promoting sustainability across all sectors.

Our daily sessions provided valuable insights, fostered meaningful connections, and highlighted practical solutions to some of the most pressing challenges in real estate and infrastructure. By focusing on sustainable finance, energy, construction, and green skills, we demonstrated our commitment to driving sustainable growth and development.

The UKBCSD remains dedicated to supporting this journey, ensuring that our built environment is resilient, inclusive, and sustainable for generations to come.  

If you're interested in partnering with us in 2025 or becoming a member to gain access to these opportunities please get in touch 
